Zumba Steps Diagram Owners Manual
13-v1 LEVEL 1 ACE & AFAA Continuing Education Credits/Units for Zumba Basic Steps Level 1 Instructor Training Participant Name: Date: _____ Location:_____. Zumba Steps Diagram Owners Manual. Ebook Zumba Steps Diagram Owners Manual currently available at tecumsehuk.co.uk for review only, if you need.
Salsa is a major step in Zumba. Ready to begin? Basic Salsa 1. Stand with both feet together. Step to the right. Bend your knees.
3.Return to the middle. 4.Step to the left. Bend your knees slightly.
5.Return to the middle. 6.Try it a little faster.
Slightly rock to the side as you move. Loosen up your upper body. Let your shoulders move with your feet. Faster this time!
Add some hip as you rock. Make it your own! Check video for correct tempo. Travel Salsa 1. Bend your knees. Slightly bend arms.
Point them to the right towards the sky. 2.Take four steps to the right-use your hips to move. 3.Return to the middle.
4.Repeat step 1. This time point arms to the left. Take four steps to the left-use your hips to move.
Try it faster. Check video for correct tempo. Ever heard the term, 'Merenge march', during class?
It might look complicated, but don't panic! It's easy once you break it down. So, shall we? 1.Stand straight with both feet together. 2.Bend your right foot slightly. 3.Return to the middle. 4.Bend your left foot slightly.
5.Return to the middle. 6.Try it faster. Interchange feet like your marching rapidly.
Place one arm out to the side: Right side if left foot is bent. Left side if right foot is bent. Opposite arm goes directly in front of your chest.
8.Interchange arms and feet like a rapid march. Travel forward. Check video for correct tempo.
Reggaeton is the latin form of 'hip-hop.' It is a high energy dance. You know that means? Attitude please!
I know you have in you. Let's get started!
Basic Reggaeton 1. Start with both feet together. Bend your right foot. Drop your right arm to the side. Make sure it is pointing towards the floor.
Bend your left arm. Place it in the center. It should be covering your stomach. Return to the middle. Bend your left foot.
Repeat step 3. This time drop your left arm. 7.Repeat step 4. This time bend your right arm. Return to the middle. 9.Try it faster. Interchange feet: 2 singles and 1 double.
It helps to say: 'Single, single, double, double' out loud or in you head. Add pop to your shoulders as you move. Pick up the pace. Give me some attitude! Check video for correct tempo. Reggaeton Pump 1. Separate feet slightly. Place them to the right diagonally. It should like your boxing sideways.
Contract your stomach 6 times. After the third contraction pause briefly. Count: 1 and 2. Return to the middle. Repeat step 1. This time place right to the left.
Repeat step 2. Return to the middle. Try it faster.
Contract rapidly. Use your arms to pump. It's like a fist pump with your stomach! Check video for correct tempo. Let's end with a party. A Cumba party!
Ready for your last basic? Dig your right heel into the floor. Step to the back. Dig your right toe into the floor. Travel to the left. Use you both feet to travel.
Take small steps with right foot. Move further with each front dig. Keep digging to the front and back. Return to the middle. Repeat step 1. This time dig your left heel.
Dig your right toe. Repeat step 2. This time travel right. Return to the middle. Try it faster. Dig front and back rapidly. Loosen your shoulders.
Zumba Steps Diagram Owners Manual
Let your arms hang. Put them on your hips if it feels weird. Allow your hips to move you. Speed up the pace. Check video for correct tempo.