California Reference Penal Code Guide
For many years, the California Style Manual has served as the official guide for styling. Also refer to the Bluepages in the Bluebook, which may be found at the. > Common Legal Citations.
Statutes are laws passed by a legislature. In California, you can find them in two different forms: session laws and codes. Session laws contain the bills passed by the legislature and approved by the governor. Codes contain the statutes arranged thematically by subject (e.g. The Penal Code, the Civil Code, the Health & Safety Code). Here's where to find codes and session laws in the law library: Codes - The State of California does not publish its own official version of the state's codes.
Instead, Lexis and West publish their versions of the state's codes. The law library owns both the Lexis and West set. Both sets are arranged alphabetically by code topic. We also have historical versions of these codes. Deering's California Codes Annotated - KFC30.5.D4 Law California Collection.
West's California Codes - KFC30.5.W42 Law California Collection Session laws - In California, the state's session laws are generally referred to as the 'Statutes of California' or as the 'Statutes and Amendments to the Codes'. We have them in print and online.
Our print collection only goes to 1994 because the State stopped distributing them in print after that date. Print -KFC25.A24 Law California Collection. Online - on Hein Online. Case reporters contain the published decisions of the California courts. There are both official (published by the state) and unofficial (commercially published) case reporters for California. A 'legislative history' generally refers to the various documents generated as legislation is introduced and amended in a legislature.
These documents are used to glean a 'legislative intent,' i.e. What the legislature intended the bill to accomplish, which is generally sought when the language of the statute is unclear. In California, these documents will generally include things such as analyses of the bills and committee reports, but other material such as statements by a bill's sponsor or other groups could be relevant to determining legislative intent.
California Penal Code List
Outside of Sacramento, finding documents about legislative intent is generally limited to the following sources:. The California Legislative Counsel's 'old' website for bill information. It has information dating back to 1993. The California State Legislature's new website for bill information. It has information dating back to 1999. KFC20.C35 Law Microform - Microfilm copies of legislative history information for only the bills that the governor actually signed into law from 1943-1995.
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(PC 135). (CA Penal Code 148). (CA Penal Code 166). (CA Penal Code 182(a)).
(CA Penal Code 186.10). (CA Penal Code 187). (CA Penal Code 192). (CA Penal Code 192c).
(CA Penal Code 203 & 205). (CA Penal Code 211). (CA Penal Code 451 & 452). (240 and 242). (243b and 243c). (CA Penal Code 245).
(CA PC Section 243.4). (PC 273.6).
(CA Penal Code 215). (CA Penal Code 272). (CA Penal Code 273a). (PC 273.5). (CA Penal Code 243(e)(1)). (PC 290).
(CA Penal Code 207). (CA Penal Code 288). (CA Penal Code 261). (CA Penal Code 261.5).
(PC 206). (PC 273.6). (PC 277 & 278 & 278.5). (PC 311.11(a)). (PC 311.2(b)).
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(PC 236-237) Criminal Defense Law PC 314 – 476. (CA Penal Code 476(a)).
(CA Penal Code 470(b)). (CA Penal Code 417). (CA Penal Code 459). (CA Penal Code 422).
(PC 415). (CA Penal Code 314) Criminal Defense Law PC 484 – 25400. (PC 487). (PC 484). (PC 499(c)). (PC 502(c)).
(CA PC 530.5(e)). (CA PC 484). (PC 550 (a)). (PC 490.5). (PC 496). (CA Penal Code 664). (CA Penal Code 602).
(CA Penal Code 632). (PC 647(f)).
(CA Penal Code 666). (PC 647(b) ). (CA Penal Code 646.9). (CA PC 647(J)(4)). (CA Penal Code 12020).
(CA Penal Code 12021). (PC 1018). (PC 518-527). (PC 594). (PC 12022.53). (PC 22210).
(CA Penal Code 25400(a)). (PC 1320 & 1320.5, VC 40508). (PC 667 (b) - (i)) CA Vehicle, Health & Tax Code.
(CA Vehicle Code 23222(b)). (Health and Safety Code 11359). (HSC Section 11358). (CA Prop 36). (CA HSC 11351). (CA HSC 11350). (CA HSC 11352).
California Penal Code Pdf Download
(CA Vehicle Code 10851(a)). (Vehicle Code Section 20001 & 20002). CA Penal Code 459 Burglary Laws Burglary in the state of California, CA Penal Code 459, is different from theft and robbery. It is, in itself, it’s own crime and because of this it has it’s own qualifications and it’s own punishments. CA Penal Code 459 is when a person, upon entering a structure intends to commit a crime. Burglary is a, meaning it can either be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony depending on a defendant’s past and the details of the crime.
Burglary is commonly referred to as breaking and entering but the act of “breaking” into a structure is not necessary. A person can be charged with burglary even if they walked through open doors, the important factor however is when they walked through those open doors, did they have the intent to commit a. Two Different Types of Burglary There are two varying degrees of burglary. First degree residential burglary is always a felony and is commonly referred to as residential burglary. First degree residential burglary refers to burglary that takes place in an inhabited dwelling, for instance, a home, apartment, house boat, ultimately any place where people can live; reference Penal Code 459 for a full list of inhabitable structures. The sentencing of first degree residential burglary is as follows:. Two (2), four (4), or six (6) years in state prison. Up to $10,000 in fines.
Probation will not be offered Second degree burglary is commonly referred to as commercial burglary because it’s burglary that takes place in any structure other than an inhabitable dwelling. Second degree burglary is a wobbler, meaning it can be charged as either a felony or as a misdemeanor. References 1 CA Penal Code 459.