Mack Cl713 Engine Manual
Disclaimer: Persons who perform further manufacturing operations on (modify) a MACK vehicle are responsible for the vehicle’s continued and/or subsequent compliance with applicable regulations, must ensure that the vehicle as modified by them is safe to operate, and assume any liability related thereto. Mack Trucks, Inc. Cannot anticipate all of the possible modifications to a MACK vehicle, know the ultimate configuration of every completed vehicle, and be aware of the intended function, operation and/or use of a completed vehicle. Regardless of assistance provided to subsequent manufacturers (others), Mack Trucks, Inc. Is not responsible for modifications made to a MACK vehicle by others, nor the safe assembly and/or operation of any equipment installed on a MACK vehicle by them, nor for injury or damage caused by such modification and/or equipment.
Buy 2000 MACK CL713, 1999 MACK CL713, 2002 MACK CL713, 1995 MACK CL713, 2001 MACK CL713, 1996 MACK CL713, 1998 MACK CL713, 2004 MACK CL713, 1997 MACK CL713, 2003 MACK CL713 at - Page 1 of 2. Contact us for pricing. Stock Number: 33952. Truck Type: Tractors SubCategory: Tandem Axle Day Cab Engine: Mack Transmission: Manual.
Try calling the Mack brand at +1 (866) 298-6586. I'm sure Volvo will fall all over themselves trying to help you (sarcasm on my part). You have what would be a good truck (Renault Midlum).if acceptable after-sales support was still available in North America.
It isn't.not even close. Candidly speaking, you should sell it at the first opportunity, as parts will always have to be ordered, cost a fortune, and most mechanics have no experience working on it. Let it break someone else. Thanks, I will check for Renault Midlum manual since cab and engine are Renault made. Let's hope the initial low cost will cover the upkeep. Propriety issues with Renault? Or Renault didn't leave sufficient documentation to work with.
The medium-duty Freedom, based on the global market Renault Midlum., was launched in 2001. The Midlum was replaced by the D Range in 2013. Volvo took full control of Renault and Mack in 2001. In 2003, Volvo decided to terminate the Freedom and walk away from medium-duty in North America (Mack had profited greatly from the Renault-produced Mid-Liner medium truck range from 1979). So the Freedom was only sold for 3 years, and hasn't been sold for 15 years. Also, Volvo Group's unofficial policy is not to support trucks over 10 years of age.
It's a great truck, but the owner of the Mack name, Volvo, has no interest in supporting it in North America. Renault Trucks does a superb job with after-sales support in the global market, but has no presence in North America.
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The medium-duty Freedom, based on the global market Renault Midlum., was launched in 2001. The Midlum was replaced by the D Range in 2013. Volvo took full control of Renault and Mack in 2001. In 2003, Volvo decided to terminate the Freedom and walk away from medium-duty in North America (Mack had profited greatly from the Renault-produced Mid-Liner medium truck range from 1979). So the Freedom was only sold for 3 years, and hasn't been sold for 15 years. Also, Volvo Group's unofficial policy is not to support trucks over 10 years of age. It's a great truck, but the owner of the Mack name, Volvo, has no interest in supporting it in North America.
Mack Cl713 Bumper
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Renault Trucks does a superb job with after-sales support in the global market, but has no presence in North America. Makes sense, I contacted Renault UK, for the kicks of it. Since as you said, Renault doesn't seem to have an office in North America. The truck in general doesn't seem to be in bad condition by the looks of it at least.