Us Army Board Study Guide
PROMOTION BOARD US ARMY BOARD STUDY GUIDE Question Answer What does ASAP stand for? Army Substance Abuse Program What AR can you find ASAP AR 600-85 What is the mission of ASAP?
The ASAP's mission is to strengthen the overall fitness and effectiveness of the Army's total workforce and to enhance the combat readiness of its Soldiers What is meant by deglamorization of alcohol? Personnel will not promote any function glamorizing the use of alcohol through drinking contest, games, initiations, or the awarding of alcoholic beverages as prizes in contests What FM Covers Values? FM 6-22 What are the Army Values? Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage What FM covers Land Navigation?
Army Board Study Guide. Version 4.05 – 01 November, 2005. Prepared by 'Soldiers helping Soldiers since 1999'. Check for updates.
FM 3-25.26 What FM covers First Aid? FM 4-25.11 What does FM stand for? Field Manual What does SPORTS stand for? Slaps gently upword on the magazine, Pulls the chraging handle fully to the rear, Observe, Release the charging handle, Tap the forward assist and Squeezes the trigger Is SPORTS an Immediate or Remedial Action? Immediate VISION of WACH The family of choice exceeding the community's dynamic needs If you have a new single soldier to Fort Irwin who isnt adapting will where would you take that soldier? Suggest BOSS to allow single soldiers to mingle.
Name a local rep. What are the 3 types of counselings?
Event counseling, Performance counseling, Professional growth What are your goals? Short and Long Promotion? What does the MEDDAC unit crest stand for? General weed? What does AR stand for? Army Regulation Who is the next Staff Sergeant Sergeant Weaver What are the 4 stages of the counseling process? Identify the need for counseling, Prepare for counseling, Conduct the counseling, Follow up What is communications?
Communications is the flow or exchange of information and ideas from one person to another. Leaders should seek to develop and improve what three leader counseling skills? Active Listening 2. Responding 3. Questioning US Army Medical Command shoulder sleeve insignia Maroon oval with 2 serpents representing all medical services and the sword with the point to the base symbolic of sacrifice and mercy to the noncombatant role of the medical services When was the US Army Medical Command shoulder sleeve insignia approved? 31 January 1973 What army regulation covers awards?
AR 600-8-22 What army regulation covers uniforms? AR 670-1 What army regulation covers Military Justice? AR 27-10 1st general order I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved. Name 4 common points for checking a pulse? Carotid, femoral, radial and posterial Tibial What is Building 1 on every post HQ ARMY VALUES Leadership, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage What are the 7 types of ammunition for the M4 BALL, TRACE, DUMMY, BLANK, BALL GREEN TIP, TRACER RED TIP, TRAINING what is the blue book? Nco guide what is the black book?
1SG carried a black book with unit files and a name list of everyone in unit first SMA? 1966 how many SMA have there been? 14 the NCO guide FM 7-22.7 what is command authority?
What someone assumes the position What are the 2 most important responsibilities of a leader? Mission accomplishment and the welfare of the soldiers what is the difference between a duty and a responsibility?
Us Army Board Study Guide 2018
Responsibility is being accountable for what you do. Army Command Policy AR 600-20.3 what is the NCO's duty and responsibility? Training Every soldier has 2 responsibilities what are they? Individual responsibilities and command responsibilities What is power? The power is the ability either physical, mental control over the actions of others. Referral form for ASAP DA 8003 What AR covers ACS AR 608-1 What AR covers NCODP AR 350-1 AR that covers NCOER/ ERS AR 623-3 DA PAM that covers NCOER/ ERS DA PAM 623-3 What is a DA 2166-8 NCOER form SMA (current) SMA Chandler What STP covers Warrior Tasks STP 21-1 What TC covers Physical Training TC 3-22.20 What does NCODP stand for?
Non commissioned Officer Development Program What is the goal of NCODP? Non commissioned Officer Development As with all leader training and leader development, who is responsible for NCODP? NCODP is typically managed by whom? The CSMor Senior NCO in the organization. Three types of Developmental Counseling Event, Performance and Professional growth The Four-Stage Counseling Process Identify the need for counseling, Prepare for counseling, Conduct counseling and Follow-up. Prepare for Counseling Select a suitable place, Schedule the time, Notify the subordinate well in advance, Organize information, Outline the counseling session components, Plan the counseling strategy, Establish the right atmosphere. Weed army community hospital 'MISSION' Healthcare in support of the national training center and yuma proving ground some of The Surgeon Generals Top 10 Non-deployable, Behavioral health, Trust, TBI protocols, Pain management, base realignment/ closure, Disability evaluation What are 5 major terrain features found on a map?
Hills, Valleys, Saddle, Ridge, depression What are 3 minor terrain features found on a military map? Draw, spur and cliff What are the 2 supplementary terrain features found on a military map? Cut and fill What is an azimuth?
A horizontal angle expressing direction can a soldier flagged for being overweight receive an award? NO can a soldier flagged for failing an APFT test receive an award? YES What are 3 reasons the Army is concerned about excess body fat? Conveys lack of personal discipline, takes away from the military appearance and may indicate a poor state of health, physical fitness or stamina what is the maximum distance the ACU trouser can extend down the boot?
Us Army Board Study Guide 2016
The third eyelet What does the Evaluation Reporting System (ERS) identify? The ERS identifies officers and non-commissioned officers who are best qualified for promotion and assignments to positions of higher responsibility. Under the ERS a Soldier is evaluated on performance and potential. In this system, what three kinds of evaluations are given?
Duty evaluations, School evaluations and DA evaluations What is the basic structure of the ERS? Allows the rater to give shape and direction to the rated officer or non-commissioned officer’s performance.
Provides a chain-of-command evaluation of a Soldier’s performance and potential. Allows the entire evaluation reporting process to be re What will a rating chain for an NCO consist of?
Rated NCO Rater Senior Rater Reviewer How many types of NCOERs are there? There are 7 What are the 7 types of NCOERs? Annual Change of Rater Relief for Cause Complete the Record 60 Day Rater Option 60 Day Senior Rater Option Temporary Duty, Special Duty or Compassionate Reassignment What is the minimum period of time for rater qualification? 3 Rated Months What is the minimum period of time for senior rater qualifications? 2 months What are the parts of the NCOER? Administrative Data PartII.
Authentication PartIII. Duty Description Part IV. Army Values/ NCO Responsibilities Part V. Overall Performance and Potential. Is the use of the 2166-8-1 mandatory for counseling all NCOs in the ranks of CPL through CSM? Are handwritten comments allowed on the NCOER?
What forms are used for the NCOER? DA 2166-8-1, NCO Counseling Checklist/Record DA 2166-8, NCO Evaluation Report. When will a member of an allied force meet senior rater qualifications? Never What is the purpose of FM 7-22.7?
Leading, supervising and caring for soldiers. What is the NCO Vision? An NCO Corps, grounded in heritage, values and tradition, that embodies the warrior ethos; values perpetual learning; and is capable of leading, training and motivating soldiers. We must always be an NCO Corps that? Leads by Example, Trains from Experience, Maintains and Enforces Standards, Takes care of Soldiers, Adapts to a Changing World Inspector General Friedrich von Steuben did what? What is the Blue Book?
Set down the duties and responsibilities for NCOs Von Steuben specified duties of? The noncommissioned officer. What year was the modern NCO Symbol of rank? 1909 What is the Black book? First sergeant carried the administrative files First NCO class 30 June 1947 are available for each Career Management Field. You can find these in DA PAM 600-25 “The US Army Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Guide.”.