Maternity And Pediatric Nursing Study Guide Ricci
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- This combination book, Maternity and Pediatric Nursing will empower the reader to guide women and their children toward higher levels of wellness throughout the life cycle. In addition, the focus of the textbook will emphasize to the reader to anticipate, to identify, and to address common problems that would allow timely, evidence-based.
Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. Prepare your students for safe and effective maternity and pediatric nursing practice. This updated 3rd Edition of Ricci, Kyle, and Carman’s unique combination book helps students develop an understanding of the health needs of women and children, and empowers them to guide women and their children toward higher levels of wellness throughout the life cycle.
Description maternity and pediatric nursing 2nd edition ricci test bank. 1.The United States ranks 50th in the world for maternal mortality and 41st among industrialized nations for infant mortality rates.
KEY FEATURES. Updated Threaded Case Studies in every chapter give students an opportunity to apply concepts to real-life scenarios. New Bringing It All Together sections draw content from multiple chapters to develop students’ skills in critical thinking, prioritizing, and clinical decision making. New Cases begin at the end of each chapter and unfold online, providing extended opportunities for students to connect learning to practice.
Concept Mastery Alerts improve students’ understanding of potentially confusing topics as identified by Lippincott’s Adaptive Learning Powered by PrepU. Evidence-based Research boxes provide the latest information on best practices in nursing and inspire students to implement EBR interventions. Nx 8 manual. This leading content is also incorporated into Lippincott CoursePoint+, a dynamic learning solution that integrates this book’s curriculum, adaptive learning tools, virtual simulations, real-time data reporting, and the latest evidence-based practice content together into one powerful student learning solution.
Lippincott CoursePoint+ improves the nursing students’ critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills to prepare them for practice. Also available to support your students’ learning: Study Guide for Maternity and Pediatric Nursing, 4th Edition This hands-on guide helps students master essential information, build critical-thinking skills, and prepare for the NCLEX exam through a variety of exercises, case studies, and NCLEX-style questions.
Maternity And Pediatric Nursing Questions
New Concept Mastery Alerts clarify difficult concepts, informed by data from Misconception Alert questions in PrepU for Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. New: Bringing it all TogetherSegment drawing content application from multiple chapters, to develop dynamic/critical thinking.
Ricci Maternity And Pediatric Questions
Including prioritization, development, etc. To be located at end of chapters for all of unit 4.
New: End of Chapter CaseEnd of chapter case study to apply course content. Phase I of case is in the book and entire unfolding case study is on thePoint. Linking print/digital. Threaded/Unfolding CaseMaking note of the ‘unfolding case’, at each feature occurrence, throughout each chapter and aligning photo in chapter opener to small photo assigned with threaded case to make feature more visible to students. Words of Wisdom each chapter opens with Words of Wisdom (WOW) which offer helpful, timely, or interesting thoughts. New Atraumatic Care located throughout pediatric sections of the book, provide tips for providing atraumatic care to children in particular situations in relation to topic being discussed. New Thinking About Development featured in chapters related to the care of children will encourage students to think critically about special development concerns related to the content being discussed.
Key TermsPutting more advanced terms in this section of the book. Teaching GuidelinesMaking these briefer and adjusting formatting for brevity. Consider This Guidelines on thePoint for answers/guidance on how to reach answers with page numbers. Take Note draws student's attention to points of critical emphasis throughout the chapter.
Authors Susan Ricci and Terri Kyle have teamed up to deliver a unique resource for your students to understand the health needs of women and children. This combination book, Maternity and Pediatric Nursing will empower the reader to guide women and their children toward higher levels of wellness throughout the life cycle. In addition, the focus of the textbook will emphasi Authors Susan Ricci and Terri Kyle have teamed up to deliver a unique resource for your students to understand the health needs of women and children. This combination book, Maternity and Pediatric Nursing will empower the reader to guide women and their children toward higher levels of wellness throughout the life cycle.
In addition, the focus of the textbook will emphasize to the reader to anticipate, to identify, and to address common problems that would allow timely, evidence-based interventions. Finally, their approach is to provide a resource that incorporates case studies threaded throughout each chapter, multiple examples of critical thinking and an outstanding visual presentation with extensive illustrations depicting key concepts.